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The Bishop of Winchester Academy

The Bishop
of Winchester

Base Camp

This year, students in the academy are working through a series of sessions titled “Base Camp”.

This is a collaboration between the Quality of Education Team and the Behaviour and Attitudes Team to help set up students so that they can live life to the full. Through sessions in ACWs and workshop activities in Mentor Time, students will consider how they can hone the soft skills, habits and mindset, and personal characteristics that 'Bishop' students are proud to hold and which will set them up for success in our academy and in later life.

The Base Camp programme will run throughout the year and, we anticipate, will become a rolling programme. It will begin with sessions every week in M1,with additional sessions at regular intervals in later terms, covering vital topics such as study skills and understanding how their brain and memory works, to how we look after ourselves and each other in our community.

Using mountaineering analogies of ‘Base Camp’ it is hope to show students that the experience through school should be treated like an exciting expedition, where preparation is essential, where following rules allows for the benefit of all in the community, and where working hard allows students to succeed. Much of the information shared exists already in our school mantra and LApps system, so this gives us an extra opportunity to share and reinforce important messages to our students. Our goal is to show our students why they should be proud to be 'Bishop' and that we are helping them to achieve our goal of guiding them to be professional and successful.

  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Diocese of Winchester