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The Bishop of Winchester Academy

The Bishop
of Winchester


The governors and school staff of The Bishop of Winchester Academy place the utmost importance in ensuring the emotional wellbeing of all our students.

Useful resources:

School Nursing

School Nursing sits within the Children and Young People’s Public Health Service 0 to 19, alongside Health Visiting. School Nursing teams work with children, families, school staff and other agencies to support the health and well-being of school-age children across Dorset.

Every school in Dorset has a named school nurse, who maintains regular contact with their school to promote healthy lifestyles and offer practical advice, information and support.

School nurses can provide:

  • health screening and assessments
  • healthy eating, weight management and physical activity advice
  • immunisations
  • parenting advice
  • emotional health & well-being support
  • bed-wetting (enuresis) clinics
  • hearing tests
  • parent/carer/school staff drop-in sessions (primary schools only)
  • 1:1 appointments with young people
  • referrals and/or signposting to other services
  • ChatHealth text messaging service
  • training for school staff to deal with emergency epilepsy and allergic reactions
  • support around safeguarding / child protection issues.

If you need to see, or speak to a member of the School Nursing Team, please make contact either via the school or using the details below.

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

  • Boscombe Clinic (Bournemouth) - 01202 443035
  • Moordown Clinic (Bournemouth) - 01202 518260
  • Pelhams Clinic (Bournemouth) - 01202 570821
  • Christchurch - 01425 891157
  • Canford Heath Clinic (Poole) - 01202 691520

Chat Health - Text your school nurse

The Trust has officially launched ChatHealth – a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people (aged 11-19) in Dorset to send questions via SMS to their School Nursing Team. They will then receive a reply that includes signposting to additional services.

The ChatHealth service is available Monday to Friday between 8.30am-4.30pm. This includes school holidays but not bank holidays.

If a child or young person sends a text outside these hours they will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. The ChatHealth nurse will reply to the message when the service reopens.

Children and young people can text about a range of issues including:

  • relationships
  • weight
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • drugs
  • smoking
  • stress
  • alcohol
  • self harm
  • Sexual health.