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The Bishop of Winchester Academy

The Bishop
of Winchester

New Base Camp “Qualities of a Bishop Student” displays

Since September, in their Base Camp ACWs and Mentor-time activities, students at the Academy have been thinking and exploring the qualities that Bishop students are proud to hold. The qualities represent the soft skills, habits and mindset that will help them to achieve well in school and thrive after their education – in all, allowing them to live life to the full.

Soon students will see new poster displays about this around the academy. Each poster covers one of our Learning Applications (LApps: Independence, Awareness, Resilience, Collaboration, Creativity and Empathy). Each includes a selection of key words and phrases associated with that particular Lapp, detailing the qualities of successful and professional Bishop students. There will be a main display in the nave, with additional displays in every classroom of the Academy. This will help guide everyone to succeed by adopting or honing the characteristics that we know will help students thrive and which we are proud so many of our students already demonstrate.

Our students have also taken part in the process of the design and creation of the posters. Students were invited to take part in focus groups assessing and voting on different versions and designs; the final design which includes the word cloud and the layout of the academy graphics was chosen by the students democratically after sharing their thoughtful insights. Well done and thank you again to all those who took part in this.

  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Diocese of Winchester