OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing
OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing
Level 1 and Level 2 Units of Work
Unit 064 – Enterprise and Marketing Concepts
This is an examined unit (1 hour 30 minutes) – with the following learning objectives:
LO1 – Understand how to target a market
LO2 – Understand what makes a product or service financially viable
LO3 - Understand product development
LO4 – Understand how to attract and retain customers
LO5 – Understand factors for consideration when starting up a business
LO6 – Understand different functional activities need to support business start up
Unit 065 – Design a Business Proposal
An internally assessed and externally moderated portfolio unit of work
LO1 – Be able to identify the customer profile for a business challenge
LO2 – Be able to complete market research to aid decisions relating to a business challenge
LO3 – Be able to develop a design proposal for a business challenge
LO4 – Be able to review whether a business proposal is viable
Unit 066 - Market and pitch a Business Proposal
An internally assessed and externally moderated portfolio unit of work
LO1 – Be able to develop a brand identity and promotional plan to target a customer profile
LO2 – Be able to plan a pitch for a proposal
LO3 – Be able to pitch a proposal to an audience
LO4 – Be able to review the strengths and weaknesses of a proposal and pitch