Welcome from The Principal
It is my privilege to welcome you to The Bishop of Winchester Academy.
The academy is a Church of England academy that serves families of our local community who want their children to be educated within a distinctly Christian ethos. We are very proud that each year the academy is oversubscribed. Many of our students continue their education into the hugely successful 6th Form. The academy was rebuilt in 2014 and offers a first-class learning environment.
Underpinning all our work is our determination that all students should ‘know life in all its fullness’ (John 10.10). We do this by supporting students to live out their school motto ‘Sapere Aude’- Have the courage to be wise’. Students do this through embedded culture of ‘High Expectations- No Excuses’ in all that they strive to achieve.
Ofsted reports over many years have always commented positively on the Academy identifying many strengths. :
‘The Academy has made great progress in improving student achievement, attendance and behaviour since it opened’.
‘Improving the life chances of all your pupils is at the very centre of your work’.
The academy is hugely popular. Visitors always comment positively on the friendly, happy and purposeful atmosphere which characterises our community. Our students are proud of their school. We celebrate students at every opportunity. It is truly humbling to be trusted with helping them to shape their futures, it is a trust we don’t take lightly. I am always happy to show parents around our school. Please feel welcome to visit us and see us at work, I would be happy to personally take you on one of our monthly tours.
Thank you to our many friends and families for their continued support and prayers. Your valued contributions really do help us to make a difference to the young lives of those we serve.
Best wishes
Paul McKeown