Anti-Bullying Strategy
Bullying has NO place in our Academy
This statement is reinforced through Mentor Time, ACWs, Lessons, PSHE and 10:10.
What do we mean by bullying:
“Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.” (ANTI-BULLYING ALLIANCE)
Examples of bullying include:
- Being attacked (physically or verbally) because of religion, gender, sexuality,
disability, appearance or racial origin. - Being ignored or left out.
- Receiving abusive text messages or e-mails.
- Being called names.
- Being teased.
- Being hit, pushed, kicked or punched.
- Having your bag, mobile or other possessions taken.
- Being forced to do things you don’t want to do.
At TBOWA, we do OUR best to prevent bullying whenever we can
and to act quickly whenever it is reported.
How will we do this?
- Our Home/Academy Agreement involves students, parents, carers and teachers in
setting out what we expect of each other as a caring community. - Reports of bullying from parents and carers will be dealt with swiftly within the
academy. - The Framework for Learning sets out our agreement in school to behave in an appropriate, caring and thoughtful way towards each other.
- All students have PHSE lessons which cover bullying and how to deal with it
during each academic year, through learning what child on child abuse is. - We to keep students aware of the issue of bullying through Mentor time and ACWs and in lessons whenever it is appropriate.
- A straightforward means of reporting bullying is always available to students and
staff; this includes online opportunities too. - All staff at TBOWA, including Senior Leadership Team, Mentors, Teachers and Learning Support Staff, take seriously any report of bullying and will act upon it immediately.
Diana Award at TBOWA
What is it?
- An award which trains students to support with the promotion of anti-bullying.
- Students meet with the lead of Anti-Bullying, to support with promoting each campaign.
- Students work towards different badges including Respect, Online Safety, Wellbeing and Community Action.